Edible - Summer 2012

On the restaurant side of the farm equation, let’s start with the most recent addition to the farm-friendly restaurant pack: the aptly named Farm & Table in the North Valley neighborhood of Los Ranchos. Chef Kaainoa Ravey hails from Hawaii and selects produce literally from the restaurant’s back yard; this is a spot doing the farm-torestaurant thing with full gusto. They call it Sol Harvest Farm, and as of mid-summer fully one-third of the fresh produce is from their own crop; the rest comes from a bevy of local farms from Hip Chiks to Las Palomas Farms to Skarsgaard Farm to the collectives Agri-Cultura in the South Valley and Fresh Collective. Prepared food producers are not left out of the local action, from Heidi’s Raspberry Jam to Lusty Monk Mustards to Joe S. Sausage.


  • edible