I love it when our deliveries are made by farmers in muddy boots. When Patrick – the proprietor of Hip Chik Farms down the street – opens his recycled box of BEAUTIFUL, muted-toned eggs with pride to show me how he arranged them by color! I love it when we buy out the last 15 pounds of spinach and arugula from the farm in the south valley…and when our wonderful cheese arrives from Estancia. I love it when Joe Sausage drives up with his sausage wagon and brings in freshly-made sausage and ravioli.

I love it when my mom comes by and helps me plant pansies in the patio…and wash the windows. And when my sister tells me that I’ve misspelled “radishes” on my blackboard! I love it when my kids come into the restaurant after school…and chef Kai makes them a special little meal.

I love it when I see Ric out on the farm…working hard, and it makes me smile when I see those 1200 little seedlings happily peeking out of the ground. Yesterday on the farm was especially gratifying. We harvested miniature bok choy and broccoli raab to test it in the kitchen. Chef Kai delicately sautéed…and served with egg drop and tiny pieces of farm-fresh bacon crumbles. He makes everything with care and precision. I love that, too!

I love it when the flowers are in place, the music is on, and kitchen team brings out the special of the day for servers to taste. Gathering around a beautiful creation, with fork in hand… gasps of delight when we taste! It’s delicious!

I love it when our wonderful guests begin to arrive. It feels like everyone is a neighbor, a family member, a friend, a friend-of-a-friend. If they aren’t…they soon become one. I love it when people let me tell the little stories that are attached to the food, the farm, the building, the land, the events…. It’s amazing how many people really do care about those details. And believe me, if they’ll listen, I’ll share. It’s the reason this restaurant is what it is… it’s about sharing something good with our community.

So, the beginning has been good. So good. Blessings are evident… and I am thoroughly grateful.

As start the morning I anticipate how much there is to learn everyday… new challenges along with little successes. I will keep up the hard work, keep up the creativity, keep sharing goodness, and keep thanking everyone involved. Happy week two at Farm & Table!

– with gratitude, Cherie

  • local
  • farm
  • felicia
  • mom
  • chef
  • restaurant
  • fresh
  • bok choy