Next month we’ll be hosting our Farmers’ Feast, an annual celebration honoring all of our local farmers, growers and food artisans. In honor of the Farmers’ Feast, we’d like to introduce some of our awesome farmers to you!  Today we’re talking to Sofia, from Love of Mushrooms here in Albuquerque.



Tell me about your farm

Our name is Love of Mushrooms. We’re down in the South Valley, and we grow mostly oyster mushrooms on straw columns. But we’re also moving towards wood-based mushrooms like shiitakes.

My mom started the farm about three years ago, and this is the first year that we’ve gotten enough production to sell at the farmers’ markets. We’re at the Downtown Farmers’ Market and the Morningside market on Morningside and Central.


What’s in season right now?

The pink oyster mushrooms are a tropical strain from Indonesia, so they do really well in the summer. The temperature does really affect the mushrooms, they’re super-sensitive.  No matter how much we set up the grow-room with the right temperature and humidity, it’s still affected by the seasons.


What’s the biggest challenge of farming?

Keeping on top of production – getting things so that they’re efficient and making sure we have enough mushrooms every week.


What’s your favorite part of working on your farm?

Definitely working with my mom. We spend a lot of time together, picking and packaging. Otherwise I wouldn’t see her as much. We have a lot of fun together.