turnipTake a look at this beautiful, beautiful turnip on your left. We like to call that good-looking root vegetable our Tractor Turnips, and there’s a great story behind that name!

Once upon a time, when Farm & Table was just a baby, and Farmer Ric was starting up Sol Harvest Farm, one of our community members – who has supported and even invested in Farm & Table from the beginning – asked Farmer Ric if he needed a tractor.

“Yes!” said Farmer Ric, “As a matter of fact, I really, really do!”

“Well,” said the man. “I have a tractor that I can give you.”

“Really?” said Ric, “A real tractor? For free?”

“Yes!” he said. “The only thing I ask in return is that you grow these turnips.”

So Ric planted the seeds and named them the Tractor Turnips.  And, as it turned out, they THRIVED at Sol Harvest.  In fact, they turned out to be one of Farmer Ric’s best crops.  

And that’s the story of the Tractor Turnip.