wellness new

Wellness on the Farm – Join us!

We invite you to gather with us in a beautiful space in the spirit of community and wellbeing this summer as we launch Wellness on the Farm! A wonderful group of individuals will lead you through different types of practices that will help to nourish your body, mind and soul. Mindfulness, intention, community, gratitude and kindness is what we intend to share with you through these practices. Please join us! 


This week’s Schedule:


Wednesday, MAY 4

Meditation with Danny López
In the spirit of Awakin Circles worldwide, join us for a 45 minute silent meditation followed by circle of reflective sharing and a small deliciously prepared meal. “When you change within, the world changes.” 

We ask that you please RSVP no later than 24 hours prior to the meditation so that we know how much food to prepare.

No fee, donations accepted

 Calendar this event.


Saturday, May 7
Yoga with Brian Matzke (Dayal Prem Singh)

A mindful practice filled with slow moving vinyasa , Kundalini Kriyas for healing the glands and immune system , chanting to open your throat and dive deeper into your true self, shaking and dancing to connect with the fun side of life and release built up stress. All being sealed with a grounding meditation into the heart.

Donations accepted

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