CaptureThe artwork at Farm & Table is changing once again! We say goodbye to the gorgeous still lifes of James Bolton, and hello to the striking artwork of Roshi Alfred Jitsudo Ancheta: we will be showcasing Ancheta’s beautiful woodblock prints for the next several months.

Ancheta, who was born near Silver City and is based in Albuquerque, is not only an extremely talented artist – he is also a Buddhist monk, teacher and priest. In addition to his artwork, Ancheta works to promote peace and interfaith understanding.  He is active within the Albuquerque community; among his work, he has helped found the Albuquerque non-profit, Center for the Promotion of Peace.

Take a look at the excerpt from his artist statement below:

I believe that creativity is a spiritual act. After many years of studying Buddhism, I have turned a great deal of my energy to the arts. Through [my art] I started to realize the kinship between spiritual and creative pursuit. Carving linoleum and wood blocks also takes a great deal of concentration, and by working in this medium of block printing, I can work with images as well as words.

We are honored to have Ancheta’s work displayed at Farm & Table. Next time you stop by, be sure to take in the wonderful works of art now hanging on our walls. Ancheta’s prints are truly unique works of art!