snowyfarmIt’s the middle of winter, but that doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped utilizing our local farms! Several farms, like our own Sol Harvest, Silver Leaf Farms in Corrales and Jemez Valley Live in the Jemez grow-year round – and we are grateful for their bounty, even during this cold season!

But what grows in the middle of winter anyway?

Well, for starters, lots of leafy greens thrive in the cold, like kale and chard. Farmer Ric is growing tons of leafy greens at Sol Harvest – not just kale and chard, but mustard greens, arugula and spinach. Leeks also do well in the cold, which Ric is also growing in abundance.

You can also do a lot with a greenhouse during the winter months. Take Silver Leaf Farms: Silver Leaf is also growing lots of leafy greens like Sol Harvest, and are also bringing us cauliflower and cabbage from their greenhouse!

Finally, Jemez Valley Live is accomplishing the impossible for us: growing tomatoes in January. Jemez Valley has a 60-foot greenhouse equipped with a hydroponic growing system that delivers heirloom tomatoes (and butter lettuce) to us even in the bleak midwinter!

DO try this at home! Jemez Valley’s hydroponic system may be a bit complex for the backyard gardener, but Farmer Ric suggests trying some leafy greens in your own plot. You can also try some root vegetables like carrots and turnips. Depending on how cold it is, they may start growing right away, or may “over-winter” and start growing in the spring!